Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Membangun Web E-Learning Menggunakan Moodle

Moodle adalah sebuah LMS/CMS (Learning/Content Management System) yang dapat digunakan sebagai program bantu belajar berbasis internet & intranet. Salah satu keunggulannya adalah sifatnya yang open-source. LMS ini telah digunakan dibanyak negara dengan berbagai macam latar belakang kebutuhan. Posting kali ini akan membahas secara singkat tentang moodle.

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

My ProfiL "It`s Me"

sometime I'm called Fitrii or 'ceddung',,, hihihi..
now, I'm get my study in Makassar State University at education of informatic and computer engineering. I have a brother, he is 'Appe'.. My father is Mustari Hamid, S.Sos.,S.H.,M.H. and My mother is Faridah Sakka, S.Pd. Actually I have an idea to be a doctor but maybe my destiny is be a teacher. I like very much something about phsycology and English. My hobbies are reading novel but I don't like love story of teeneger, Writing poetries, and the special is adventure. But my hobbies isn't realize because of my activities at campus.

Beside to share knowledge, my blog also be a task of my collage "Web Edukasi dan E-Learning".. So, I'm a newby of blogger and this blog is my media to learn.. ^_^